Beta-casomorphin 7 is an opioid peptide derived from a1-beta casein that is implicated in the etiology and pathogenesis of various diseases. My personal experience and available epidemiological data suggested the possibility that bovine beta-casomorphin 7 may also be relevant in cases of visual snow. Its dietary elimination may help reduce symptoms for certain individuals.
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I still attribute part of my improvement to going dairy-free and find the epidemiology of Visual Snow peculiar. However I no longer believe that beta-casomorphin 7 by itself is likely to have a role of the significance I suggested here previously (as a common trigger involved in etiology).
Food-derived opioid peptides remain an important consideration for optimal health and sensitive individuals. I think this text gives a good overview of some of the potential health issues BCM7 can cause. Removing BCM7 from your diet or going dairy-free may help in some cases.
Several topics such as inflammation and oxidative stress are also discussed here that I believe remain relevant to life with Visual Snow, reading may help you to start to think about those things and consider your own situation better. The article also describes how environmental factors in general may contribute to symptoms.
For more information on BCM7 I recommend Professor Keith Woodford’s blog.
Me, Milk, And Visual Snow
As a child I drank goat milk instead of cow milk. This was recommended for me by my GP because of various health problems I had, such as eczema and allergies. I viewed not-drinking cow milk as a stigma, and later when my eczema started to look better I began drinking cow milk again. My skin did not immediately get worse, and it justified this decision in my head. After a while I noticed that I had visual snow, but for over ten years I never considered this decision to have borne any sort of relevance.
When I finally tried eliminating dairy from my diet it seemed to unexpectedly make a difference to some of my symptoms, and after an initial euphoria I realised that I was still very much in the dark – I wanted to find out how milk and dairy possibly linked to visual snow.
Page 2 – Understanding Opioids, And Visual Snow Research
Page 3 – A1 Beta-Casein Consumption Correlates With Google Search Interest For Visual Snow
Page 4 – Beta-Casomorphin 7
Page 5 – How Evironmental Factors Could Act As Triggers For Visual Snow; Risk Factors
Thank you so much for this information! My daughter is 12 and just got this rare disease Oct 2017, it’s getting worse week by week so anything helps. We are starting this dairy free diet plan to see if it gives her benefit. Thank you again !