University of Sussex: Visual Symptoms Questionnaire

Update: this questionnaire has finished

The University of Sussex, UK, is recruiting participants aged 18 or over to complete an online questionnaire relating to the visual symptoms associated with visual snow syndrome and hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD). To participate you should experience the visual symptoms associated with visual snow syndrome and/or HPPD.

The questionnaire will take approximately one to two hours to complete, depending on the number of questions you answer and the detail of your responses. It will include answering some questions about what visual symptoms you experience alongside on-screen illustrations of those visual symptoms. You will also be asked about how your visual symptoms impact your life. Other questions include those which ask about some aspects of your medical history. The questionnaire must be completed either on a laptop computer, a desktop computer or an iPad.

You can complete the questionnaire in more than one sitting so long as you have cookies enabled and return to the same browser on the same computer. Your progress is automatically saved when you continue to a new page within the questionnaire. Your partial responses are saved for one week.

The University of Sussex are carrying out ongoing research into visual snow syndrome and HPPD. This is the first of a series of questionnaires which will be released over the coming months. They require a large number of participants for their research and so you are encouraged to complete the questionnaire if you are able to.

To complete the questionnaire, please visit:

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